Solving the sales productivity puzzle
Change Management – In fintech changes were an integral part of the whole journey. From revamping the whole designs, making changes to the user flow in different modules, to small copy or UI changes, were a part of our regular sprints. Due to changes it was difficult for us to manage to deliver a stable product within the deadlines.
Partner Management and Coordination – Being a full blown FinTech product has multiple partners be it credit bureaus , Payment Gateways, SMS , Audits & Certifications ,Customer Segmentation and Campaigns , Bug/Issue Reporting and Marketing tech(Martech). Managing and Coordinating with the partners for Integration and functional specific issues or help , is a typical job to do.
Multiple Modules in single delivery – The work was predefined and divided into different modules, each module should be worked at a same time and must be delivered within the decided deadline. In this the risk of not meeting the deadline is very high, which surely needs to be mitigated to an extent.
Regressive Issues – This is where all engineering effort comes into place. When it comes to delivering a product or a task or a module in limited time , the developers get a less than required time to perform end to end unit testing of the product,subsequently due to this ,the issues or bugs which were resolved in the prior builds or deliveries , reappears.

Every problem has a unique solution
Encourage self Organizing Cross Functional Team – self-organizing teams do not wait for managers to assign any work to them. Instead, they identify all the work that needs to be done, prioritize tasks that are required, and manage the timelines on their own.When time is of the essence, these teams can help tackle challenges and opportunities as they see them, including those that aren’t visible to leadership but are critical to supporting the change agenda.
Following Agile – Agile is a mindset and way of working that puts people first, promotes collaboration, and uses adaptive approaches to deliver value in a changing environment.
Agile principles helped our team to beat the challenges and deliver a High Quality functional Product regularly , it also helped us to Welcome Changes even late in development. It ensured Business People and Developers working together and contributing to the product development.
Embrace Change – We should not only expect change we should accept it, that often the circumstances change, competitive dynamics change and we learn things about the solution that change the way we deliver the solution. So we shouldn’t just develop a plan and stick with it, we should expect things to change along the way.
Deliver High quality Product
In startups there is a large pressure on how the product looks and feels like, which is indeed a critical part of a product development. The Business team was very specific about the quality of designs and the user experience and expected the product to be pixel perfect.
The Mobility and QA team collaborated to ensure that the product which needs to be delivered next should meet business expectations.
Extend Regular Working Hours
When you are delivering a high end Fintech Product which has a particular deadline to be launched into the market there are a number of things which are directly dependent on the engineering team.
Our team relentlessly extended the normal working hours and collaborated to the delivery of the product on time.
Deliver High quality Product
In startups there is a large pressure on how the product looks and feels like, which is indeed a critical part of a product development. The Business team was very specific about the quality of designs and the user experience and expected the product to be pixel perfect.
The Mobility and QA team collaborated to ensure that the product which needs to be delivered next should meet business expectations.
Extend Regular Working Hours
When you are delivering a high end Fintech Product which has a particular deadline to be launched into the market there are a number of things which are directly dependent on the engineering team.
Our team relentlessly extended the normal working hours and collaborated to the delivery of the product on time.
offer financial products and services
within the banking industry
Underpinning every successful product is a successful product development process.
FinTech builds upon Information Technology (IT) to offer financial products and services within the banking industry, with more advanced risk management, trade processing, cash management and data-analysis tools deployed by the financial institutions.